Galactic Center Group Images
These images are available for professional and educational use and may be freely used. However, it is requested that any
use of this work be reported to UCLA Galactic Center Group and given the following acknowledgement:
"These images/animations were created by Prof. Andrea Ghez and her research team at UCLA and are from data sets obtained with
the W. M. Keck Telescopes."
References and Credit: UCLA Galactic Center Group - W.M. Keck Observatory Laser Team.

Stellar Orbits in the Central Arcsec
The orbits of stars within the central 1.0 X 1.0 arcseconds of our Galaxy. In the background, the central portion of a diffraction-limited image taken in 2015 is displayed. While every star in this image has been seen to move over the past 20 years, estimates of orbital parameters are best constrained for stars that have been observed through at least one turning point of their orbit. The annual average positions for these stars are plotted as colored dots, which have increasing color saturation with time. Also plotted are the best fitting simultaneous orbital solutions.
Download size: 1.1MB.

Stills from 3D Movie of Stellar Orbits in the Central Parsec
Still images from a 3-dimensional visualization movie of the stellar orbits (edge-on and face-on) in the Galactic center based on data obtained by the W. M. Keck Telescopes between 1995 and 2012, made by U. of Illinois NCSA Advanced Visualization Laboratory.
Download size: 3.2MB

These stellar orbits have revealed that the existence of a supermassive black hole 4 million times the mass of the sun lies at the center of the Galaxy ~25,000 light years away from us. The movie can be viewed on the Animations Page.
Download size: 3.2MB.

Three-Color Laser Guide Star Images of the the Galactic Center
Three HKL-band color mosaic of the central 10” x 10” galactic center region. Color Scheme: H(1.8 microns) = Blue, K' (2.2 microns) = Green, L'(3.8 microns) = Red. Taken with the Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System at the W. M. Keck Observatory.
Regular image. Download size: 103KB.
High resolution image with young stars marked with red crosses. Download size: 2.7MB.

Combined 2 panel image of 10” x 10” and 1” x 1”
Left: same images as above. Right: Zoomed in to 1 arc second.
Download size: 79KB.

K’ (2.1 micron) and L’ (3.8 micron) two-color image
Exposures at 3.8 and 2.1 micron wavelengths, assigned a color, then combined to make a false-color image.
Download size: 241.9KB.
He I (1.43 micron) and K_continuum (2.29 micron) two-color mosaic image
Central Stellar region. The image is created from five pointings of the telescope in each filter. The LGS-AO system allowed the artificial guide star to be centered on each pointing during each exposure.
Download size: 183.4KB

Keck Observatory - Twin Telescopes
Image Credit: It is mandatory to include the link Laurie Hatch Photography - When downloading one or both of these images, and also when incuding them in, but not limited to, any kind of presentation or educational environment. They may not be used for re-distribution.
Left: The twin telescopes viewed from the Subaru telescope at the top of Maunu Kea, Hawaii.
Download size: 446.7KB

Left: Adaptable mirror(s) of the Keck 2 telescope. Note the man in the bottom of the mirror. The mirrors make minute adjustments to counter atmospherice disturbances.
Download size: 469.9KB

Keck Observatory - Laser Guide Star Systemm
Top: Double Lasers from KECK I and KECK II creating an artificial laser guide star (LSG). Maunu Kea, Hawaii. Image Credit: It is mandatory to include the link Ethan Tweedy Photography - when downloading one or both of these images, and also when incuding them in, but not limited to, any kind of presentation or educational environment. They may not be used for re-distribution.
Download size: 469.6KB

Bottom: Close up of KECK II single laser for the LSG system. Image Credit: It is mandatory to include the link Laurie Hatch Photography - when downloading one or both of these images, and also when incuding them in, but not limited to, any kind of presentation or educational environment. They may not be used for re-distribution.
Download size: 469.6KB

Laser Laser Guide Star (LGS) vs Natural Guide Star (NGS) Image
Right: The LGS integration time is 8 minutes. Left: NGS LGS integration time is 150 minutes.
Download size: 47.1KB

Resolution in the central 0.5” of the future 30 meter telescope
Still image of animation showing the power of the future 30 m Extremely Large Telescopes. Animation showing the improvement in resolution in the central 0.5” of the Galaxy from seeing-limited to Keck + Adaptive Optics to future Extremely Large Telescopes + Adaptive Optics. Actual orbits are shown in the seeing-limited and Keck cases, while additional simulated orbits are included for the ELT case. A movie can be viewed on the Animations Page.
Download size: 513.9KB